Monday, June 6, 2011

A Month in a Week

Colton having a blast at the Relay with Aunt Suzie's water bottle. He squirted everyone he came in contact with...and they were okay with it. Hard to resist that smile!

The boys having a great time!

The girls getting the feet "sandal ready" for HK

Skyler "bridging" over to Brownies

Skyler at the first grade poetry reading

Sydney left for school a third grader and came home a fourth grader

Skyler left for school a first grader and came home a second grader

Syd got her first triple and the Vipers win!

Cole and Grandpa Harley enjoying a quiet moment together at the Relay for Life

Saying bye after a long afternoon in the sun

Tug of war of Field Night at school.

The simple things in life put things in perspective...Cole and his Uncle Joel playing in the rain after a huge storm.

Hanging out at the Wheeling Relay for Life

Cole lost his curls...but he is now ready for the Hong Kong humidity

Sydney prepping for her haircut while playing x box

The girls during the "Sister Dance"

Skyler and Ally saying goodbye

Sydney as Janet Jackson during "Rhythm Nation"

Skyler the cricket during "Kiss the Girl"

A car, a set of keys, and some cool shades - what more does a 2 year old need?
In a little more than 12 hours, we will be on our way to Hong Kong.  Months of planning, running to the store for one more thing more times than I'd like to admit, and countless lists have gone into preparing for our 5 week adventure.  If it wasn't for the distractions this week, my anxiety about the upcoming trip would have been in hyper-drive. This past week has flown by as we packed about a month's worth of activities into it.  Everything started off with Sydney and Skyler's dance recital, which was awesome! 15 family members came out to see the girls and they didn't disappoint.  From there, we helped host a bridal shower, had a few of our friends over for one last play date, and Sydney played in three softball games. We also got all three kids' haircut, the girls' got their first pedicure, we went to Field Night at the girls' school, participated in an amazing Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society, went to a luncheon with my mom and sister-in-law, watched Skyler bridge from Daisies to Brownies, went to a First Grade poetry reading, and had family over tonight for some last minute goodbyes.  It was a wonderfully chaotic week and I think we are all ready for a vacation. We have six suitcases, 6 carry - ons, countless snacks, activities for the kids...yet, I still feel like I am a bit unprepared for this trip. I know the 15 hour flight is the short part of the vacation, but it's also the most daunting.  I still have much to do before the morning, so I am off to finish packing, straightening the house, and make sure we are all ready to go in the morning.  This blog is still a work in progress as I need to figure out the best way to post pictures and what form the lay out will take.  So, here goes blog #2.


  1. Have a great time!!! I'll be sure to send those twice daily pictures of Cody!!

  2. Will read every word and relish every picture!

  3. What an incredible opportunity! I will be sure to follow every update! I know you'll have a wonderful time, especially with Todd leading the adventure!

  4. Soak in every minute Sis. Before you know it, you'll be back Stateside sharing your "Excellent Adventure" with all of us. Peace and Love - Greg
