Monday, July 11, 2011

Reservoir Turtles

We added a new form of transportation to our list...this time it was paddle boats in the Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park.  Once we figured out how to get going on the boats, we had tons of fun. It was very peaceful with only one other boat in the reservoir and only nature to listen to. Since the boats are four seaters, Sydney got to peddle her own boat, which she was thrilled about. She was less excited to have her boat tied to ours. I got the lucky seat facing backwards with a squirmy, want to touch all the fish toddler.  I was still able to get a few photos, especially of the oddly behaved fish that live here. People come to the reservoir to feed them bread. We didn't bring any of our own, but we were able to witness a little girl play waitress to some fish. They were huge and were following our boat in hopes of dinner. The fish reminded me of dogs rushing in to get a treat. Not normal fish behavior, but it was fascinating.

I was able to see some more turtles, which are much easier to photograph than pink dolphins.  I could have stayed out on the reservoir for quite awhile, but closing time was quickly approaching.  

The fish chasing our boat.

This fish was jumping out of the water to get the piece of bread the girl was holding.

There have primarily been two people that have been giving us recommendations as to what to see while we're here. Everything both Lori and Kat have suggested have been fantastic! I can't thank them enough for their help. This was one of those recommendations. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we will venture out to Victoria Park, the last park on my list to visit.

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