Today was one of those days. I should known better than to plan a "last outing" at a park during rainy season. I think I had a false confidence with all of the sunny weather we have been having. So, our plans to go to Victoria Park didn't pan out. We were optimistic during the few moments when the rain slowed down. We hopped in a taxi and took our chances. We got to the park and within minutes, the seemingly endless downpour began. We quickly found a little shelter. We began thinking we could wait it out and eventually realized the rain wouldn't be ending any time soon. Across the street from the park is a gigantic, brightly lit, 13 story, beautiful library. We took refuge there and headed up to the children's area. Thinking we found a perfect indoor activity, we were told that we would have to wait 45 minutes to get in to the play room that is divided up into hourly sessions. This was okay with us as we didn't want to go back out anytime soon. We went to make a reservation to play at noon (I've never heard of anything like this at a library). Then, we hit our next obstacle. They require one adult for every two kids while in this enclosed area. Since I have three children, they wouldn't let us in - even with an almost nine year old and seven year old that obviously do not require close supervision. By this time, we were soaking wet, starting to get cold from the air conditioning, getting hungry for lunch, and still a 10 minute cab ride away from home. We decided to pack it up and head back to the apartment. I am so fortunate to have resilient children...not a whole lot has phased them during this trip and this was no exception. Not playing at the park, then not playing at the library, being wet from head to toe, walking more than we intended - could have made for a rough day...and honestly, not a single complaint (although Cole was confused that we weren't going to the park park I so eagerly promised a few hours earlier). We ended up back at the apartment, played with our friends, ordered room service (which the kids thought was awesome), and had a really nice afternoon.
When the morning started and the weather was doubtful, I decided to try a project for myself to keep things exciting. My goal was to take at least one picture an hour for 10 hours. I wanted to push my creative envelope and document the ordinary events of our day. Unfortunately, a rainy day is probably not the best time to try something like this out. There were several times when taking out the camera just wasn't possible and I much prefer shooting pictures in natural light, which there was little of today. I will challenge myself again at some point when we are settled back at home. But, for is Take One of the "day in a life" photo project....
7 a..m. - first one up! It's hard to get candids of Cole. He says "cheese" as soon as he sees a camera. |
His morning ritual of playing on the IPad. |
Skye's usually the first one up...she came in a close 2nd today. |
8 a.m. - Todd's morning can't start without his coffee. |
Skye's tooth is so wiggly, it moves considerably just from breathing... |
Cole got in on the action...he loves taking pictures! |
Gray skies. |
9 a.m. |
9:30 - Sydney is not a morning person and she wasn't a fan of my project. She eventually warmed up to it! |
This is a washer/dryer combination. It is horrible! It may save space, but it is not an efficient way to do laundry. |
Cole likes to try and help... |
A little Curious George to get the morning going. I've had Jack Johnson songs in my head all day. |
10 a.m. - waking up, but still not on board with the photo fun! |
Playing hide and seek...I have no idea where they are! |
10:15 - Getting ready to leave for the day! |
There are 3 elevators on our floor. Every time we leave, they each pick an elevator and see who wins the elevator lottery. For some reason, Cole always waits by the door with his arms crossed. Cracks us up! Now, they all do it. |
Cole loves to push the "butts" on the elevator. He knows which ones to press now. |
Getting closer to playing along! |
There we go... |
10:30 - the park right before the side ways pounding rain! |
Picture taken from under our small shelter we found. |
Playing in the rain was still fun at this point. |
11 a.m. - We found our friends and we found a covered pedestrian bridge to the library. Ponchos and umbrellas kept the girls pretty dry... |
Cole...not so much. |
He kept stopping to stare longingly at the Park Park. He loves him some slides! |
12 p.m. - No luck at the library. Time to head home. |
The boys quickly settled in for some Thomas time. |
Skye and her friend playing dolls. |
1 p.m. - lunch! It was delicious...what made it even better was the itty bitty bottle of ketchup served with the fries. |
Skye has to eat very carefully...I honestly don't know how her tooth is still hanging on... |
1:30 |
2 p.m. - Skye decided to play dress up with my clothes. Here, she is a ninja...tank top and leggings courtesy of me. She's also wearing a pair of Todd's black socks. She's quite the ninja. |
2:30 - Our friends leave and Cole gets another opportunity to ring the doorbell. Another butt to push. |
3 p.m. - quiet time and the girls are beginning to pack up their stuff... |
Skye writing in her journal. |
4 p.m. - This perfectly shows what a rainy afternoon feels like... |
5 p.m. - time to wake up Cole from his long nap and meet Todd at his office before dinner. |
5:30 - Sydney ended up loving my project and reminded me hourly to take a picture. Here is some fun in the taxi... |
Cole's self portrait |
A Cole picture... |
Todd's office building. |
The kids love playing with the white was great seeing Todd's co-workers again! |
6 p.m. - dinner time at our favorite diner. They have buckets of toys to play with at the tables. |
7:00 p.m. |
After dinner, I took the girls to the grocery store to buy snacks for our flight home. |
8 p.m. - snacks are bought and ready to be packed. Time to call it a night! |
Tomorrow is our last full day here. We have fun things planned and lots of packing to do. The girls are excited to get home to their friends, their family, their house, their toys, and their dog - but, they told me they will miss Hong Kong and are sad to leave. I feel the same way. This vacation has been such an incredible growing experience - not only for the kids - but for me as well. I started out the trip a reluctant traveler. I have grown more confident in my abilities and that of my children on a daily basis. I know there are many more wonderful opportunities on the horizon for each of us and I can't wait to take on each and every one!
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