...even the slightest inclination as to where I am...ever! I can seriously get lost going around the block. So, take my extreme lack of sense of direction and combine that with a foreign country with limited communication abilities...and you get some unintended results. Yesterday, we went out in search of an indoor play space in an area of Hong Kong called Kennedy Town. We did find what we were looking for, but, unfortunately, it was declared "full." By American standards, dozens of more children would have been allowed in. But, as our new saying goes, "You are not in America anymore." So, onward we went - searching high and low for a park or another indoor play area. I always try to spin these times when we are wandering aimlessly, contain my frazzleness (yes, that can be a word), and make it seem like we are on an adventure to discover the unknown. Yesterday's unknown was a cute market with some "dollar-like" stores and a great restaurant for dinner that was actually the most child friendly we've been to. We also had a waiter that joined the Colton fan club that has an ever growing fan base.
Today, we set out to find a public library that is supposed to have a big children's area. The sun was shining so brightly and it was so hot, we were looking for a little inside, air conditioned fun. The library is in an area called Causeway Bay, one that we haven't ventured to. Before leaving our apartment for the day, I now bring down my Ipod with the address and a map pulled up to show the concierge. This has previously helped me greatly as he will translate to the taxi driver for me. Today, he said the best way to get to the library is via Tram, or Ding Ding, as they are called here. Sydney has her father's innate sense of direction and helped us find the way to the tram stop and on we went. Sydney is almost always right when it comes to which way we should go - perhaps I need to permanently give her the map reading task! The Ding Ding was another new form of transportation for us and, since we chose to sit on the top deck, it was a unique way to see the city. Even with the map the concierge gave us, we got off the tram and could not, no matter how many people we asked and how many times we looked at said map, find the library. We searched and searched all to no avail. But, being that this was a grand adventure, we had a great time finding the unintended. We went to a cool toy store, used the bathroom at an uber swanky hotel that Skye thought must be a castle, and had lunch at a fantastic pizzeria. I don't know if it's because we were hot, tired, sweaty, and hungry, but the pizza was fantastic. It didn't hurt that the pizzeria is owned by a nice and helpful Australian man. I decided that pizza served with an Australian accent is infinitely better than pizza served by anyone else (I'll be happy to test this theory someday in Italy).
Our day did not end up how we thought it would, but we experienced things and saw parts of Hong Kong (including a not so fresh smelling water treatment plant - did I mention we were lost?) that we never would have if we knew where we were going. I don't know if I would trade these experiences in for a keen sense of direction, but I'm getting out there and improving each day...baby steps, that is.
So, the following pictures are a random collection of our adventures from the last few days. They may not be of beautiful scenery or exotic animals, and were taken in a split second without planning, but they show the real us. For better or worse...
Cole getting in on the play make up at a play date with our Texas friends. |
Too cute to be devilish. The kids had so much fun on their play date! |
They could hardly contain their excitement as it was our buildings' turn to get its' windows washed. They stood like this for quite awhile. And, yes, I do try to keep Cole in clothes. Sometimes, when we're just hanging out at home, I let him dress how he prefers (he would also prefer to go diaper-less). |
Skye was on look out duty...they're almost here! |
Cole looked quite handsome in the sunglasses he found at the market we accidentally happened upon. The funny thing about this picture is not the boy, it's the black, sparkly sunglasses in the background on the sunglass display. Those are Sydney's sunglasses that have been missing for two days. We had no idea where they were until I uploaded this picture. I'm guessing they will make some money off of these. There is no way I could ever find this store again. Looks like we'll be sunglass shopping tomorrow. |
Skyler and her friend, both fashionistas, just had to have these scarves. |
If Cole hears the word Taxi, his arm immediately shoots up. |
If you feel like a drop of rain suddenly hit you on a cloudless day, it's just air conditioner fluid...Grosses me out. |
A taxi stopped for him this time. |
Cole thoroughly enjoyed his spaghetti at MoMo Cafe. We all enjoyed our meals at this restaurant we would never tried if we weren't lost and famished. |
The top of the Ding Ding. |
Photo courtesy of Skye. |
Photo courtesy of Cole. |
Cole playing with his new car from the toy store we happened upon. My old germaphobe self would have cringed at the sight of this...4 weeks into Hong Kong...whatever... |
Enjoying our delicious Australian made pizza. |
Cole was so ready for a nap, he found a seat wherever he could. |
After some much needed rest, we were ready to go for a swim. The girls swimming abilities have grown tremendously in 4 weeks. Can't wait to see what they're like by the end of the summer. |
A spinning jump into the water. When we got here, Skye would only jump in holding someone's hand. |
Playing it cool at the pool. |
Snack time's over which means my photo taking ends, too. Time to jump in myself! |
Tomorrow, we have plans to meet our Texas friends at a public pool/splash park in Kennedy Town. What are the Vegas odds that we will make it there?
awesome update, michelle! i, too, am directionally challenged (as you know), and all the cool places we have found have taken me no less than two tries to find. i also have found soooo many great places while looking for somethig else. there is something to be said for being lost in such a large area...you're bound to find something even if it isn't what you were looking for. i figure by the end of our two years here, i might get lost only on a weekly basis instead of a daily basis :-)