32 hours flying time, 7 suitcases, 5 carry-ons, trains, escalators, taxis, trams, busses, crystal clear bottom cable cars, elevators, boats, ferries, paddle boats, dim sum, city life, mountains, apartment, blogs, Buddha, the beach, painting, typhoons, pink dolphins, pandas, friends, South China Sea, Cantonese cartoons, crowds, night markets, hiking, walking, kung fu, shopping, laser light shows, islands, conversations lost in translation, movies, birds, Bubbles, parks, roller coasters, Disney, 4,032 pictures, swimming, 2 less teeth...but only one home! What a summer this has been so far...we're slowly acclimating back to our reality...jet lag is proving to be tough. We have groceries to buy, laundry to do, friends and family to see, toys that need playing with...and a 7th birthday to celebrate tomorrow.
I took a few photos during our journey home yesterday...not as exciting or beautiful as the sights of Hong Kong, but is still a documentation of the end of our five weeks...
A few pics of the apartment. |
Ready to go! |
One last time playing the elevator game. |
Waiting for the limo... |
This is just half of our luggage. |
Efficiency! |
We passed the time watching the cargo and the planes. |
The reason we sat on the runway for an hour and a half. |
The kids thought the eyes on the airplane were awesome. They made the plane look cartoonish. |
Welcome to O'hare |
Almost home... |
One very long day...about 20 hours of travel time...Home sweet home. |
Our flowers are in full bloom and a bit overgrown at the moment. |
Tomorrow's adventure includes piercing some ears...wish us luck!
Don't forget about the outfit and accessory change as soon as Skye got home!!