He is equal parts entertaining and exhausting. He knows how to channel his inner superhero. He loves what he loves passionately and is quite clear when he doesn't like or want to do something. He would love to ride a train all day (or fly to meetings like Daddy). He loves to sing and dance, do "homework" with his sisters, cook and build, play on the iPad, and pretend like he's flying. He is a mimic and a charmer. He is Colton and, as he tells us about 97 times a day, "I am free".
The chubby cheeks are long gone, the crib is down, all signs of toddlerhood are quickly fading. What were just sets of words before are now sentences and complete thoughts. His personality shines through more each day, which brings both laughter and tears (from both of us). It's hard to describe the feeling I got when I walked into his room last week as Todd was taking down his crib. Tears came to my eyes as a movie-like montage of the last three years played in my mind. Cole is my last. My baby. There are days when I would love Cole to grow up just a bit faster...to be more independent...more willing to play on his own...able to pour his own drinks...go to school...wake up in the morning without needing me immediately. But then he cuddles up on my lap under a blanket, wants me to hold him and make his boo boos better, shows me the raw emotions like only babies and toddlers can do, and I want to hold on to these moments forever. To stop time and keep the innocence, the adoration I see in his eyes, and the newness of each day. I want to just hold him, rock him, and nurture him. I know how fast it goes. I see it in my girls every day. So, I will try to stop wishing time away and embrace Cole's Three-ness and everything that comes along with it. I'm excited to see what three brings for him and for the rest of us. I'm sure it will bring a lot of frustrations, short tempers, and roller coaster rides. But, I know it will also bring laughs, love, lots of hugs, and lots of firsts. I'm excited to see his transformation from toddler to little boy, to hear his thoughts, and to watch him develop. So, Happy Birthday to Colton Vaughn! Of course, most of these moments have been documented so here are some photos of the birthday boy (and his sisters) taken within the last week.
Skyler was dressed up for her music program at school and played model for me. Cole immediately got in on the modeling action. |
Ready for photos and willing to let Skye pose him and teach him the art of modeling. |
One of the many "poses" |
Skye refers to Cole as "The Monster" while Syd calls him Mr. Mischief...fitting nicknames... |
Strike a pose. |
Cole talked about a Thomas birthday cake for several months. He was slightly obsessed with it during his little birthday party. He sat and protected it more than actually playing with his friends. |
The stroller hasn't been out for months as he likes to walk everywhere. It was like a long lost toy for him. He loved it! |
A 3 year old, 3 balloons, and a windy day. The photos didn't turn out as I had envisioned. I could have used an assistant! |
Don't you just want to squeeze him? |
A quick St. Patrick's Day photo. |
A birthday present from his cousins...a soccer kit and ball (over his birthday outfit and a superhero cape). Cole wants to be just like Trevor (our family soccer superstar). |
Cole chose Curious George for his next cake. Thank you to Dash of Whimsy for the awesome cake and cupcakes! |
At three, it's okay to sing to yourself and wear a smile so big we can hardly see your eyes. He couldn't have been happier at this very moment in time. |
Cole wanted a Woody cowboy hat...here, he looks a little more like Juan Valdez (Thanks, Christie, for that reference). |
On the morning of his birthday, Cole helped me bake a cake and put together a trifle. I told him he could lick the bowl. He took me literally. A birthday bath came next! |
And, some photos taken with my iPhone...
Cole sweeping away the girls' chalk drawings. They were not happy! |
The girls were in an art show at school and I took photos of them in front of every project of theirs that was displayed. |
Cole told me this was his and demanded that his photo be taken, too. He's quite advanced for three. |
He may look innocent, but he just shoved his arm up an exhaust pipe. He claimed he looked "so handsome" and didn't want me to wash it off. |
A warm winter made for an early bloom. |
Did I mention exhausting? Or Frustrating? He finds a marker laying around and his first thought is, "I bet this would look good on my face" |
Cole still waits for elevators like his sisters taught him to in Hong Kong. It makes me smile at the memories each time he does it. |
Taking off on his Harley. |
The brilliance that is a kid sized shopping cart at Trader Joes. He loves shopping! |
Me - "Cole, what are you doing?" Cole - "Nothing" |
Cole turns most things into a golf club and ball. This makes his father extremely happy. |
At dinner on St. Patrick's day and Cole tells me he drew a spider. Yep, looks like one. This is the first time he drew more than a circle or scribbles. |
And, finally, Colton attempting to hold up three fingers...we need to work on this one...
I'm looking forward to a fun filled year with many adventures, celebrations, firsts, and countless photo opportunities! And, if you haven't already, take a moment and check out my new website, bergeronphotography.com. Thanks!
ahhh, what a beautiful update! i completely agree with your sentiments about three with a boy...it's quite different than three with a girl, but it's NEVER dull.